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One of my favorite detoxing drink recipes that I learned during a 9 Day Cleanse I did as part of my yoga training is this one. I’ll admit, and I must warn you too, that at first I couldn’t stomach the look or the taste of this drink/smoothie but after a couple of days of drinking it, I actually started to like it because of how good my body started to feel…and so often we are conditioned to think from times when we were kids, that certain foods are disgusting…but they’re really not if you take the time to try them and learn about their benefits. I assure you, your perspective will begin to broaden when you give things a try.

So why is this drink so beneficial? Our liver is our main detoxifying organ. It is critical for our body to remove toxins from our blood to purify it. Sometimes our liver can get overwhelmed with excess food and drink, things like pollution and the atmosphere we’re exposed to. Anger can also have a physical effect on the liver. By consuming ingredients that have anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory properties we can help support proper liver function. Below the recipe you can find more details about its benefits.


1 Grapefruit (peeled)

2 Oranges (peeled)

1 Lemon (peeled)

1 inch of fresh Ginger (peeled)

2 Garlic Cloves (peeled)

4 whole Cloves (Spice)

1 pinch of Cayenne Pepper (Careful going over board as it can be spicy for some)

3-5 springs of Parsley

2 Tbsp. of cold pressed extra virgin Olive Oil


1. Put 3 ounces of water in a blender with all the ingredients except for the olive oil

2. Blend for 1 minute

3. Using a strainer, strain into a bowl

4. Strain as much juice as you can from the pulp using a wooden spoon (check out the beautiful hand made sustainable wooden spoons we sell in our store)

5. Put juice back in blender and add olive oil

6. Blend again to emulsify the drink tonic, and enjoy!


· Drink preferably in the morning and do not eat anything else for an hour after drinking this drink to ensure proper absorption and do not store it for the next day.

· Do not use grapefruit if taking medications that state grapefruit is contraindicated

· The drink will be thick and make sure you drink it slowly for the enzymes to mix in your mouth

· If you are sensitive to the taste of olive oil, start with a smaller amount and gradually increase but do not leave this ingredient out for it’s carrier benefits. And don’t add it to the initial blend, because otherwise you will not be able to strain the juice well.

· Also you will have garlic breath…so be sure to keep that in mind...wink, wink!

Some of the key ingredient Benefits:

Grapefruit:According to The Huffington Post, the high levels of vitamin C and antioxidant properties of grapefruit work to flush toxins out of your body and prevent them from damaging cells. What’s more, a 2006 study found that a grapefruit extract called naringenin can activate the chemicals responsible for fatty acid oxidation. In the long run, this may help prevent fatty liver disease, Livestrong reported.

Oranges & Lemon-vitamin C, high antioxidant properties to boost immune system

Garlic-has anti-inflammatory properties and can help lower your cholesterol and blood pressure. High blood pressure can harm the blood vessels in the kidney, so it’s a good idea to keep it in check.

Ginger-Ginger may help improve your body’s control of blood sugar. Studies have also shown that ginger can help treat nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD). Fresh or powdered ginger can add flavor to certain dishes or you can drink it as a tea. 

Parsley-Research in animals suggests that parsley can also help protect the liver. Another study found that it may help with urinary volume, which helps the kidneys get rid of waste.

Olive Oil-Acts as an essential carrier of all the beneficial ingredients directly to the live

For other Liver cleansing drinks that are milder to the palate be sure to check these recipes out…

To your health! Salud!


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